In 1976, the first issue of the journal Spine was published. In this inaugural issue was a pioneering article by low back pain specialist Alf Nachemson, MD, titled (1):
The Lumbar Spine, An Orthopedic Challenge
In this article, without credible evidence, Dr. Nachemson states:
“Irrespective of treatment given, 70% of [back pain] patients get well [..]
Analogies that are often used by chiropractors include:
If one walks on the edge of their shoe, the shoe sole will wear out at the weight-bearing portion quicker than other parts of the sole.
If an automobile wheel alignment is not optimal, then the excessively stressed wheel will wear out quicker than the other wheels. [..]
In October 2016, a former model died from a stroke, and the media attributed her injury to neck manipulation.
Rebuttals to this manipulation/stroke claim were a combination of both offense and defense. An edited version of one such rebuttal is presented here:
Earlier this year the British Medical Journal published a study noting that medical [..]
Chiropractors are primary health care providers. This means that patients who seek chiropractic care do not need a referral from another health care provider. Patients may self-refer themselves for chiropractic assessment and treatment.
The large majority (93%) of patients who initially present themselves for chiropractic care do so for the complaints of spinal pain (1). [..]
Chiropractic Analysisand Management
For decades, chiropractic and spinal manipulation has proven to be very effective for the management of low back pain (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17). Yet, chiropractic does not fix or improve all patients. Some patient’s problems are more complex making [..]
The total sum of suffering caused by migraine headache is higher than any other kind of headache (1). About 38 million adults in the United States are migraine sufferers, and 91% experience migraine-associated disability (2, 3, 4). Migraine headache is often incapacitating, with considerable impact on social activities and work, and may lead to significant [..]
BACKGROUND (1)Opium is from the poppy plant.The term opiates are applied to compounds that are purified directly from opium without modification, like morphine and codeine.The term opioid refers to compounds that are synthetic forms of opium, like Fentanyl. Fentanyl is the deadliest drug in America.•••••Members of our military and military veterans are plagued with musculoskeletal pain problems. In addition, for a [..]
A Review of Concepts and EvidenceManipulation of the joints of the lumbar spine usually involves some degree of segmental rotation. Historically, lumbar spine manipulations that are primarily rotational in nature are discouraged because it is assumed that such maneuvers are associated with an increased risk of injury to the annulus of the intervertebral disc. Such [..]
Why Do Patients Go To Chiropractors?InflammationIn her books, Epigenetics Revolution (2013) and Junk DNA (2017) geneticist Nessa Carey explains that the driving force in human evolution and in human biology is procreation; living long enough to make babies and pass our genes on to future generations (1, 2). At the center of the human opportunity to procreate is a [..]
The primary reason that people go to chiropractors is for the management of spine pain. Sixty-three percent of chiropractic patients seek care for lower back pain. Thirty percent seek care for neck pain (1). Incredibly, surveys report that ninety-one percent of these patients report acceptable positive clinical outcomes to chiropractic care for these complaints (1).Published [..]