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Archive for the 'Headaches' Category

Bottom-Up vs. Top-Down Treatment for Headaches

There are many types of headache and each has an underlying cause that must be addressed to achieve a satisfactory outcome. A 2020 review of research from the previous two decades suggests that the best conservative, non-pharmaceutical approach for headaches may involve either a top-down or bottom-up approach. When the primary cause of a headache [..]

Migraines and Lifestyle Choices

For adults under 50 years of age, migraine headaches are one of the leading causes of disability. There are several potential underlying causes for the condition, of which one appears to be a proinflammatory and oxidative state in the body. Fortunately, this can be addressed through healthier lifestyle choices. Low-grade or systemic inflammation happens when [..]

Migraine Headache Triggers, Protectors, and Predictors

Migraines are characterized by recurrent headache and a hypersensitivity to sensory stimuli that can trigger an episode. Unfortunately, migraine triggers can vary from patient to patient, which can make understanding and managing the patient’s condition a difficult proposition for both the patient and their doctor. In one study, researchers reviewed data from surveys, patient diaries, [..]

Chiropractic Care and the Headache Patient

According to a 2020 study, up to 1 in 5 new chiropractic patients list headaches as one of their chief reasons for seeking care. Let’s take a look at the features and characteristics that are often found in the chiropractic patient population… A survey that included input from 224 adult patients with headaches as their [..]

Chiropractic Care for Migraines

Migraine headaches can have a serious impact on one’s quality of life and their ability to carry out their daily activities, both at home and at work. While chiropractic care has been demonstrated to be effective for tension-type and cervicogenic headaches, what does the literature say about its effect on migraines? The first thing to [..]

Migraine Headaches and Nutrition Approaches

People with migraines know all too well about that throbbing, pulsating, and nauseated feeling that accompanies their headaches and the associated disability that often results. The underlying cause of migraine headaches is still not well understood, but genetics (family history), chemical imbalances in the brain (serotonin, in particular), environmental factors (weather, allergens), and hormonal changes [..]

Can Chiropractic Adjustments Help Headaches?

Experts report that 157 million work days are lost each year in the United States due to headaches at a cost of about $50 billion in work absenteeism and medical expenses. According to current estimates, about 18% of chronic headache patients are believed to have cervicogenic headaches (CGH), or headaches that originate from dysfunction in [..]

When and When Not to Worry About Headaches…

Most people will experience some form of headache during their lifetime. The good news is that most headaches are related, at least in part, to the neck or cervical spine (a cervicogenic headache or CGH) and can be easily managed with chiropractic care. Although the exact mechanism of CGH is still under debate, there are [..]

Chiropractic Care & Headaches

The cervical spine is often implicated in the onset and/or presence of headaches. This is due in part to the first three cervical nerve roots exiting out of the spine and enter the back of the head through a particularly thick group of muscles attached to the base of the skull along the nuchal ridge. [..]

When Teenagers Get Headaches…

In 2016, researchers at Curtin University in Perth examined the seated posture and health data of 1,108 17-year olds in an effort to determine if any particular posture increased the risk of headaches/neck pain among late adolescents. Among four posture subgroups—upright, intermediate, slumped thorax, and forward head—the researchers observed the following: participants who were slumped [..]