Archive for the 'Neck Pain' Category
Wouldn’t it be nice if we could assess three common types of treatment for neck and back pain to determine which is the most effective? Here is a look at three studies that compared three popular forms of care for chronic spinal pain to determine the short-term and more importantly, the LONG-TERM benefits of chiropractic [..]
This series (Part 1 and Part 2) has included exercise recommendations to self-manage neck pain, headache, upper back pain, and dizziness. This month’s topic involves enhancing coordination, which may be the most important topic in this three-part series!
Coordination-based exercises are important because they stimulate our neuro-motor system and can help restore normal function. We [..]
As stated last month, exercises that focus on improving posture, flexibility, strength, and coordination are important for creating a well-rounded cervical rehabilitation program. Our discussion continues this month with stretching and strengthening exercises.
STRETCHING: Since our neck muscles have to hold up our 12 pound (~5.5 kg) head, it’s no wonder why our neck muscles [..]
Neck pain can occur for many different reasons, but what can you do about it? That’s the BIG question! As discussed last month, exercise training is an important part of the chiropractic management process. Let’s take a close look at which exercises are MOST important with respect to self-management strategies.
There are several goals or [..]
When you make an appointment for a chiropractic evaluation for your neck pain, your doctor of chiropractic will provide both in-office procedures as well as teach you many self-help approaches so that as a “team”, you can manage your neck pain or headache complaint to a satisfying end-point. So, what are some of these procedures? [..]
In the nervous system, there are three primary areas that regulate our balance: the cerebellum (located in the back of the brain), the dorsal columns (located in the back of the spinal cord), and the inner ear (the “vestibular” part of our cranial nerve VIII). There are also small, microscopic “proprioceptors” or mechanical receptors located [..]
Neck pain
is one of the most common complaints patients have when they come to a
chiropractic office for the first time, second only to low back pain.
Neck pain affects all of us at some point in life, and for some, it can
become a chronic, permanent problem that can interfere with many desired [..]
Last Month, we covered the first two of four primary goals when it comes to the chiropractic management of neck pain (#1 - Pain Management and #2 - Structural realignment). This month, we will conclude this discussion with #3 - Functional Restoration and #4 - Prevention.
3) FUNCTIONAL RESTORATION: Restoring function basically allows the patient [..]
Neck pain is a very common condition that drives many patients to seek chiropractic care. Treatment planning typically includes four primary goals: 1) Pain Management; 2) Structural Realignment; 3) Functional Restoration; and 4) Maintenance / Prevention.
1) PAIN MANAGEMENT: Getting rid of pain is the primary focus of ALL patients in the early stages of [..]
People of all ages suffer from neck pain,
and many frequently turn to chiropractors for care because it's been
found to be one of the most effective and efficient forms of treatment
available, and it carries minimal side effects! It has been projected
that by 2030, nearly one in five residents in the United States [..]