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Archives for 2013

Cancer and Nutrition – Part 1

With the side effects related to cancer treatments, why not try to enhance our body’s ability to “fight"? The use of nutrition-based treatment is NOT to be misunderstood as a standalone treatment, but rather, as an adjunct treatment alongside convention cancer management, varying by the type of cancer. With that said, what are some dietary [..]

Fibromyalgia and Sleep Interference

Fibromyalgia (FM) affects the entire body, which makes the diagnosis challenging! A VERY common issue with patients struggling with FM includes problems related to sleep. This goes beyond the number of hours one “tries to sleep” but rather the quality of sleep and feeling “restored” in the morning. That is, quality is more important than [..]

CTS Self-Diagnosis – Is That Possible?

Carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS) is technically a “pinched nerve” in the wrist (carpal tunnel) that results in numbness, tingling, and later, weakness in the distribution of the median nerve (thumb, index, 3rd, and half of the 4th finger). In addition to the median nerve, there are 9 tendons and their sheaths, a network of blood [..]

Low Back Pain and Obesity

Low back pain (LBP) is a VERY COMMON PROBLEM! Here are some facts about LBP: 1) At ANY given time, 31 million Americans experience LBP; 2) LBP is the single leading cause of disability worldwide; 3) 50% of ALL working Americans admit to having LBP symptoms each year; 4) LBP is the #1 reason for [..]

Cancer Causes & Prevention Strategies

We’ve previously established that chiropractic (and probably most forms of non-invasive treatment approaches) cannot “cure” cancer. However, we have found that some cancer treatment centers utilize chiropractic care as part of the treatment process. But what about cancer prevention? Is that possible?Up front, we need to acknowledge that there is no one cause of cancer. [..]

Fibromyalgia and the Immune System

Fibromyalgia (FM) is a condition with a polarized audience comprised of those who believe it's real and those who don’t. This interesting political-like conflict is, in a large part, centered around the topic we discussed last month concerning the causes of FM. This month's article will focus specifically on the immune system and its relationship [..]

Nutritional Post-Surgical Management of CTS

Obviously, the goal of all healthcare providers, including the chiropractic management of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome (CTS), is to AVOID surgical intervention, but this is not always possible. Last month, we looked at herbal approaches to reduce inflammation with the focused goal of preventing surgical need. But, chiropractors also care for patients following a CTS surgery, [..]

Low Back Pain and Common Mistakes (Part 2)

Last month, we started a great discussion on “what NOT to do” when you have low back pain (LBP). Let’s continue that focus this month! 5. STAY STILL: You’ve heard, “…don’t do that – you’ll get a bad back!” There is something to be said about being careful, but one can be too cautious as [..]

Can Chiropractic Be of Help to Cancer Patients?

The beneficial effects of chiropractic care on the whole body have been reported and previously discussed in prior articles. However, we have not looked at whether chiropractic care can benefit the cancer patient and if so, how?It has been estimated that by 2030, 12 million deaths will result from cancer with 30% having been preventable. [..]

Fibromyalgia – Do We Know The Cause?

Fibromyalgia (FM) is a condition that is characterized by widespread pain, fatigue, and an increased pain response. Symptoms can include tingling of the skin, muscle spasms, weakness in the arms and legs, nerve pain, muscle twitching, bowel disturbances, chronic sleep disturbances, and more. So, what can cause such a widespread, whole body condition? Though the [..]