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Archives for 2014

Neck Pain – Chiropractic and the Older Patient

People of all ages suffer from neck pain, and many frequently turn to chiropractors for care because it's been found to be one of the most effective and efficient forms of treatment available, and it carries minimal side effects! It has been projected that by 2030, nearly one in five residents in the United States [..]

Low Back Pain and Younger Adults

Low back pain (LBP) is so common that if you haven’t had it by now, you will! Let’s take a look at some the possible causes of LBP and what we might be able to do when LBP strikes. Typically, younger individuals are NOT immune to LBP. In fact, those between 30-60 years of age [..]

Chiropractic and ADHD

Traditionally, chiropractic care is associated with treating back and neck pain, as well as other orthopedic conditions involving the arms and legs. However, there is a growing amount of research that chiropractic care can also help many non-musculoskeletal conditions. What, if any, benefits does chiropractic offer for patients with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)? Let’s take a [..]

Fibromyalgia: Dietary Considerations (Part 1)

For many sufferers, fibromyalgia (FM) is equivalent to fatigue and muscle pain. Though there are MANY symptoms associated with FM, these two are standouts! Last month, we discussed the importance of exercise (particularly walking), and prior topics have focused on the need for a multi-modal treatment plan that is individualized for YOU. Coordinate your dietary [..]

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome – What Can I Do to Help? (Part 2)

In part one, we cited three primary goals of carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS) management that include the following: 1) physical management strategies; 2) chemical management strategies; and 3) self-management strategies. All three goals include a component that doctors of chiropractic control AND (most important) a component that you the patient controls. We will continue this [..]

Low Back Pain – What To Do Immediately (Part 2)

This article is part 2 of a 2 part series. For part 1, Click Here. Low back pain (LBP), as previously stated, will affect most (if not all) of us at some point in time. Knowing what to do when the warning signs occur is essential to avoiding a disabling level of LBP. Last month, [..]

Two Important, Yet Simple Tests For Low Back Pain / Leg Pain

The nervous system can be categorized in many different ways. In understanding nervous system physiology, a simple but accurate way of categorization is to view the nervous system as two separate but integrated systems:The MOTOR nerve systemThe SENSORY nerve systemThe MOTOR nerve system is the nerves that move our muscles (motor), and also control the function of our visceral organs (like [..]

Fibromyalgia: Exercise is “Key”

Fibromyalgia (FM) is now considered a central nervous system (CNS) disorder rather than a musculoskeletal condition. FM is managed best from a balance of different approaches including chiropractic adjustments, soft tissue therapies, modalities, exercise, diet, supplementation, sticking to a schedule, taking naps, stress management, cognitive behavioral therapy, and more. Common symptoms of FM include chronic [..]

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome – What Can I Do to Help? (Part 1)

Carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS) can arise as a result of a number of different causes and as such, treatment is guided by the specific needs of the individual and tailored to each individual case. With that said, there are specific treatment strategies that chiropractors provide that address three primary goals: 1) physical management strategies; 2) [..]

Tension-Type Headaches – Management Strategies

Headaches (HA) can significantly alter a person’s quality of life. Moreover, they can interfere and sometimes even prevent an individual from performing important activities such as going to work, attending school, or participating in group activities such as sports, music programs, holiday gatherings, and more. The focus of this month’s article is on tension-type headaches [..]