Archives for 2019
Carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS) has long been recognized as an occupational disease, and though the incidence of many other occupational diseases has decreased over time, CTS appears to be becoming more prevalent.
A 2019 study looked at the impact/benefit of wrist-specific exercises and oral enzyme therapy on automotive assembly line workers with CTS (excluding those [..]
Patellofemoral pain (PFP) is commonly associated with running, jumping, squatting, and walking up/down stairs. It’s thought that PFP is caused by excessive rubbing between the back of the patella and groove, or track, that it rides in. Besides overuse, additional causes for PFP pain include muscle imbalance or weakness or direct trauma. The condition is [..]
In today’s world, consumers are inundated with contradicting news about foods that are good for them and foods that can be detrimental to their health. Rice is one such food. Is it good for you? Is it bad? Let’s find out…
In a 2019 study, researchers in India randomly assigned 169 overweight adults (aged 25-65 [..]
Low back pain (LBP) and posterior pelvic pain (PPP) are very common complaints during pregnancy. In fact, current estimates show that two-thirds of expectant mothers will experience back pain during pregnancy and one in five will report pelvic pain. These afflictions can have a significant impact on a woman’s quality of life and her ability [..]
As screens (televisions, computers, and smartphones/tablets) become an increasingly important part of daily life, many people gradually take on a more slumped posture, which can place added strain on the neck and shoulders, raising the risk for neck pain and headaches. Luckily, it’s possible to improve forward head posture, rounded shoulder posture, and scapular instability [..]
As with most musculoskeletal conditions, treatment guidelines for carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS) recommend non-surgical or conservative management initially, with surgery only in emergency situations or after non-surgical options are exhausted. So, is there a way to know who will respond best to non-surgical approaches?
To answer this, researchers conducted a two-stage study that included an [..]
As we grow older, stretching becomes a more important part of our routine, especially when hip pain is present. Whether you are about to engage in a sport, a job, weight lifting, or errands, it’s best to prepare your muscles for activity. With that said, stretching can be broken down into two main types: static [..]
Since falls are a major cause of serious injury, especially for older adults, here’s a simple way to objectively measure and improve your sense of balance…
First, stand in a place where you can catch yourself from falling (like behind a chair or in a corner). Place your feet side by side for ten seconds. [..]
BACKGROUND (1)Opium is from the poppy plant.The term opiates are applied to compounds that are purified directly from opium without modification, like morphine and codeine.The term opioid refers to compounds that are synthetic forms of opium, like Fentanyl. Fentanyl is the deadliest drug in America.•••••Members of our military and military veterans are plagued with musculoskeletal pain problems. In addition, for a [..]
When patients present with low back pain (LBP), they are frequently nervous and worried about whether they’re going to respond to the treatment—especially when it comes to getting out of pain and returning to their normal activities. A variety of studies have shown chiropractic care to be an effective option for the LBP patient, and [..]