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Vitamin D and Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

Vitamin D and Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

Carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS) is most often associated with repetitive movements and inflammation that impedes the function of the median nerve as it passes through the wrist, but recent studies have identified vitamin D deficiency as a risk factor for CTS, as well as more severe CTS-associated symptoms. Vitamin D plays many roles in the [..]

Chiropractic Care for the Post-Lumbar Fusion Patient

Chiropractic Care for the Post-Lumbar Fusion Patient

Between 1993 and 2013, the number of lumbar fusion surgeries for low back pain and related spinal conditions increased significantly from 61,000 per year to 450,000 per year! Unfortunately, up to 61% of patients who undergo back surgery will continue to experience chronic low back pain. Many of these patients will opt for non-surgical care [..]

Pathoanatomy and Pathophysiology of Chronic Low Back Pain and Chiropractic Care

Pathoanatomy and Pathophysiology of Chronic Low Back Pain and Chiropractic Care

Six years later, in 1986, prescribing opiates for chronic pain was further enhanced when physicians Russell Portenoy, MD, and Kathleen Foley, MD, published a small case series (38 subjects) that concluded that chronic opioid analgesic use was safe in patients with no history of drug abuse (5). By 2017, America’s opioid crisis had escalated to [..]

Why Women May Be More at Risk for Knee Pain

Why Women May Be More at Risk for Knee Pain

The anatomical and physiological differences between men and women are obvious in many ways. But one way that’s often overlooked is how these differences relate to knee-related injuries, of which women may be between two-to-eight times more at risk for than men. When it comes to the lower extremities, an issue in the foot, ankle, [..]

Conditions That Can Be Mistaken for Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

Conditions That Can Be Mistaken for Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

Carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS) is a potentially painful and disabling condition in which the mobility or function of the median nerve is restricted as it passes through the wrist. But the median nerve is not the only nerve that extends into the hand and entrapment of these other nerves can produce symptoms that may be [..]

Chiropractic Treatment for Forward Head Posture

Chiropractic Treatment for Forward Head Posture

Forward head posture is a common postural fault in which the head’s center of gravity rests forward of the sagittal plane, and it’s typically associated with frequent electronic device and screen use. The further the head sits in front of the shoulders, the harder the muscles in the back of the neck, shoulders, and upper [..]

Low-Fat Diet, Yay or Nay?

Low-Fat Diet, Yay or Nay?

For decades, the public has been told to avoid whole milk and other foods containing full-fat dairy products because such fare will clog arteries and promote cardiovascular disease. A trip around the grocery store will show many food products labeled as low-fat or fat-free. Even today, the American Heart Association warns us about this on [..]

Stabilization Exercises for Low Back Pain

Stabilization Exercises for Low Back Pain

Low back pain (LBP) is extremely common and will affect at least 80% of us at least once during our lifetime, with many experiencing recurring or prolonged chronic episodes. While chiropractors often utilize manual therapies—like spinal manipulation—to manage low back pain, he or she may also recommend spinal stabilization exercises as part of the treatment [..]

Hip Pain and Runners

Hip Pain and Runners

Running is a form of exercise that many people utilize to stay in shape, lose weight, and reduce stress, among other reasons. While many avid runners do their best to ignore hip pain while on the road, trail, track, or treadmill, there is a point when their pain forces them to seek care. Let’s discuss [..]

How to Improve Cholesterol Levels

How to Improve Cholesterol Levels

Cholesterol is a type of lipid—or fat—that’s used by the body to build healthy cells. When transported through the blood, cholesterol is generally attached to a protein, creating a lipoprotein. There are two main types of lipoprotein, low-density and high-density, which are also referred to as the bad and good forms of cholesterol, respectively. Low-density [..]

What Is Occipital Neuralgia?

What Is Occipital Neuralgia?

Occipital neuralgia (OccN) is a somewhat rare form of headache that affects about 3 in 100,000 people a year. How is OccN different than other forms of headache and what treatment approach might a doctor of chiropractic take to manage the condition? This type of headache is characterized by a sharp, shooting pain that radiates [..]

Cervical Disorders and Carpal Tunnel Symptoms

Cervical Disorders and Carpal Tunnel Symptoms

Neck pain is the second most common reason that patients seek out chiropractic care. While the initial paperwork patients complete will ask about pain and disability in other areas of the body, many might overlook issues like mild or infrequent numbness in the hand because they think that it’s unrelated and not something to be [..]