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X-Rays for Neck Pain?

X-Rays for Neck Pain?

For musculoskeletal conditions like neck pain, many people think that X-rays are an essential part of the diagnostic process. However, this isn’t always the case. X-rays may not always provide useful information as to the cause of the patient’s condition, which can result in added costs and potentially inappropriate care, not to mention unnecessary radiation [..]

The Chiropractic Management of Neuropathic Pain

The Chiropractic Management of Neuropathic Pain

Chan Gunn, MD, is a Clinical Professor at the Multidisciplinary Pain Center at the University of Washington Medical School, Seattle, Washington. Dr. Gunn describes three categories of pain, which are quite useful for the following discussion (1). These three categories are: 1)Nociception Pain In this category of pain, there is no tissue damage, and therefore [..]

Vitamins and Blood Pressure

Vitamins and Blood Pressure

Hypertension is a leading cause of cardiovascular disease and premature death worldwide. Lifestyle management is essential for reducing blood pressure, and strategies like eating a healthy diet (like Mediterranean); not smoking; curbing sodium, caffeine, and alcohol intake; exercising; managing stress; and losing weight have significant evidence support for such management. In conjunction with lifestyle management, [..]

Runner’s Knee

Runner’s Knee

Running is a popular recreational activity, and it’s an effective form of aerobic exercise for both young and old. It’s estimated that 50-60 million Americans regularly run or jog on tracks, city streets, or trails. However, running also carries a risk for injury. It’s estimated that at least half of recreational runners will sustain an [..]

Tools for Managing Carpal Tunnel Syndrome...

Tools for Managing Carpal Tunnel Syndrome...

Carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS) is a condition that occurs following compression or restriction of the median nerve as it passes through the wrist and into the hand. Thus, the focus of treatment is to alleviate pressure on the median nerve, allowing it to transfer motor and sensory information to and from the hand. Clinical guidelines [..]

Daily Living with a Herniated Lumbar Disk

Daily Living with a Herniated Lumbar Disk

While disk herniations in the lumbar spine are fairly common and may resolve on their own or persist without symptoms, if a herniation places pressure on the spinal cord or nerves exiting the spine, the patient may experience radiating pain into one or both legs. While chiropractic care can help individuals with a herniated lumbar [..]

Temporomandibular Disorders and Posture

Temporomandibular Disorders and Posture

The temporomandibular joint (TMJ) is one of the most intricate and frequently utilized joints in the human body, working in conjunction with the internal and external pterygoids, masseter, and temporalis muscles to open and close the jaw, as well as stabilizing the hyoid bone during swallowing and protecting the airway while chewing and talking. Musculoskeletal [..]

Three Sleep Enhancement Supplements

Three Sleep Enhancement Supplements

It’s estimated that at least one-in-three adults fail to consistently get sufficient restful sleep each night. Over time, poor sleep can increase the risk for a variety of chronic diseases and potentially lead to an early death. This month, we’re going to discuss three supplements that can help you achieve a good night’s sleep: melatonin, [..]

Cyclist’s Palsy

Cyclist’s Palsy

Though peripheral neuropathies often develop in individuals whose daily activities involve fast, repetitive motions, no rest, awkward hand postures, firm gripping, and excessive vibration exposure like office workers, construction workers, line workers, etc., there is one group that meets these various criteria that we hardly consider: cyclists. It’s estimated that nearly 800,000 Americans commute to [..]

Long-Standing Hip and Groin Pain

Long-Standing Hip and Groin Pain

Simply put, long-standing hip and groin pain (LHGP) is discomfort in the hip and groin region lasting six weeks or longer that often limits physical function and reduces quality of life.  For some patients, simple activities like walking, climbing stairs, and sitting for prolonged periods of time can feel impossible. Unfortunately, LHGP tends to come [..]

Herniated Disk Resorption

Herniated Disk Resorption

The intervertebral disk is made up of a tough outer annulus fibrosis while the central portion (called the nucleus pulposus) is soft, more liquid-like, giving it a shock-absorbing function. If the integrity of the annulus is compromised, the nucleus pulposus can leak through the torn fibers, which is known as disk herniation. If the direction [..]

Why Is Neck Pain So Common?

Why Is Neck Pain So Common?

Neck pain is one of the most frequent reasons patients seek chiropractic care, second to low back pain. One study noted that neck pain was the primary cause for work absence among 25.5 million American adults in 2012. When considering lost productivity, disability, and healthcare spending, neck pain takes a heavy financial toll on society. [..]