When your doctor of chiropractic says to you, "…you have a cervical disk problem," do you know what that means? I didn’t think so. As doctors, we talk about these things so often, we sometimes just assume you know what we’re talking about. So first, sorry about that! Now, let’s clear up the question, what [..]
When patients present with neck pain, they always ask, "Where is the pain coming from?" Of course, this can only be answered after a careful history and thorough evaluation is completed by their doctor of chiropractic. Let’s take a closer look at what this involves...
The History: This includes a careful description of how the [..]
It is very important that those of us with neck pain learn what we can do to help ourselves as the benefits from treatment are always much more satisfying for both the healthcare provider and patient. Self-care promotes independence and a feeling of accomplishment. You are the most important part of this "team" effort to [..]
We're hoping this article will not PUT you to sleep but rather WAKE YOU UP to the important information presented here about how to sleep in the presence of neck pain.
If you’ve ever had neck pain, then you already know how challenging it is to find a comfortable position in bed and how difficult [..]
"I was golfing a month ago (or at least trying to…) and I hit the ground too hard and felt a jolt in my neck. Since then, I can’t turn my head to the right, my right arm is numb, and I can’t sleep through the night. I went to my family doctor and he [..]
Have you ever noticed how many people have terrible posture? One of the most common faulty postures is called "forward head carriage" or "anterior based occiput." Other terms are "hump back" or slouching. There are several reasons for this common postural fault. One is the weight of the head is, on average, approximately 10-13 pounds [..]
Neck pain is a very common complaint that chiropractors treat on a regular basis. Most people will experience neck pain during their lifetime that requires professional care and the choice between chiropractic or some other form of healthcare certainly exists. Chiropractic is a non-drug, non-surgical option many find appealing because of the many side effects [..]
A 42-year-old female patient presented with neck pain that had been present for two months. The pain came on gradually and without a specific cause. Her vocation is answering the phone for a busy mail order shoe store. She works 40 hours a week, 5 days per week. Her neck pain worsens with work, especially [..]
"I woke up yesterday morning with severe neck pain that radiates down
my right arm to my hand and I can barely move my neck without producing
the shooting arm pain." Or, "...for the last few months, I've had this
nagging pain in my neck and when I look up, my arm goes numb." Or, [..]
A 48-year-old male had left-sided neck pain with intermittent left arm tingling, numbness, and aching for 2.5 months. The pain was described as a deep nagging ache on the left side of the neck with a more intense pain in the left shoulder blade that occurred without any specific activity. Also, no particular position of [..]