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Archives for 2016

10 Tricks to Manage Low Back Pain

Low back pain (LBP) is VERY likely to affect all of us at some point in life. The question is, do you control IT or does IT control you? Here are ten “tricks” for staying in control of “IT!” 1) STRETCH: When you’re in one position for a long time (like sitting at your desk), [..]

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome: Why Is It SO Common?

According to the literature, carpal Tunnel Syndrome (CTS) is one of the most prevalent upper extremity complaints. In fact, it IS the most common “compression neuropathy” (of which there are many) and affects 3-6% of adults in the general population. Additionally, CTS can affect BOTH hands in up to 50% of patients with the condition! [..]

Fibromyalgia: A Whole Body Approach

Fibromyalgia is a complicated disorder that’s difficult to diagnose because it involves multiple body systems. As a result, there are a myriad of factors in the body that can play a role in a patient's symptoms. That said, it's best to take a whole body approach when it comes to treating a complex condition like [..]

Chocolate – Is It Actually “Good” for Me?

Often referred to as a “sinful indulgence,” chocolate is usually not thought of as a healthy food choice. However, in the last 20-30 years, there has been growing evidence that there are indeed health benefits associated with chocolate consumption! Let’s take a closer look! Chocolate is made from tropical Theobroma cacao tree seeds. The earliest [..]

Exercises for Improving Cervical Posture

Is there a “normal” or “best posture” out there? If so, what is it? Posture is largely inherited; however, there are also environmental, social, and other forces that can affect posture. Some say “good posture” is the position that places the least amount of strain on the body, particularly the muscles and ligaments that hold [..]

Exercises for Improving Cervical Posture

Is there a “normal” or “best posture” out there? If so, what is it? Posture is largely inherited; however, there are also environmental, social, and other forces that can affect posture. Some say “good posture” is the position that places the least amount of strain on the body, particularly the muscles and ligaments that hold [..]

Fibromyalgia Sleep “Tips”

We previously discussed the connection between sleep disturbance and the presence of widespread pain found with fibromyalgia (FM). This month’s topic will center on how we can improve our sleep quality with the goal of feeling restored upon waking in the morning! 1) NOISE & LIGHT: Block out noise with earplugs or a sound machine [..]

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome – Let’s Get the FACTS! (Part 3)

This month, we will conclude our three-part series on important facts regarding carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS). CTS TREATMENT OPTIONS (continued): Aside from the carpal tunnel, there are several places where the median nerve can become compressed as it travels from the neck, down through the shoulder, through tight muscular areas of the upper arm and [..]

"Can Chiropractic Help Me?"

Chiropractic is the most widely accepted and most frequently used type of "alternative" healthcare in the United States. This is largely due to the fact that it works, and because of that, there has been a steady increase in acceptance by the public, third-party payers, and the Federal government. Since the mid-1990s, a number of [..]

Where Does Back Pain Come From?

Most of us have suffered from back pain at one time or another. It often occurs after over-doing a physical task, like fall yard work, winter snow shoveling, working on the car, cleaning the house, and so on. But there are times when identifying the cause of back pain can be difficult or impossible. Let’s [..]